Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Still Fighting For Our Trans Marriage Rights

Since June is considered the traditional start of wedding season, and #GirlsLikeUs make some beautiful brides, thought this would be a perfect time to remind 'errbody' that we still have several trans marriage cases percolating around the world.

Unfortunately, due to the same gender marriage push, our ongoing trans marriage fights have increasingly been entangled, conflated and negatively impacted by the politics surrounding the conservafool backlash against marriage equality.

Just a few updates on the three ongoing trans marriage cases that have gotten international attention.

Nikki Araguz's case is still percolating at the Texas appeals court level and we're waiting a ruling on this round of it after GOP judge Randy Clapp invalidated her marriage.   The judges at the Thirteenth Court of Appeals level are Democrats based in Kingsville, TX, a suburb of Corpus Christi, so stay tuned, this could get interesting.

On the other side of the Pacific in Hong Kong, Ms W is gearing up for another legal round in her ongoing fight to marry her boyfriend.  She has lost two legal rounds in this case, most recently in October 2011.  She is now at the highest level of Kong Kong jurisprudence, the Court of Final Appeal.

In Europe, Joanne Cassar has taken her case to the European Court of Human Rights after exhausting all her legal options in Malta where she's won and lost rulings.

Yes, trans rights are human rights, and we deserve to pursue our opportunities to achieve happiness without interference from you haters.  That includes the ability to marry the person we love as well.