In 1960, Jacqueline-Charlotte Dufresnoy married her first husband at Paris' Notre Dame Cathedral. If she were attempting that today, because of the Roman Catholic Church's faith based hateraid of trans people, she probably wouldn't even be able to book Notre Dame Cathedral, much less get a Catholic priest to marry her.

There has always been tension when it comes to the legal interests of transpeople vis-a-vis the interests of the gay community. On some subjects such as hate crimes and employment discrimination law, the GLBT community for the most part tends to be in agreement that the laws need to be passed as soon as possible.
The contentious arguments in the GLBT community on this issue have centered on how inclusive these laws need to be.
But when it comes to marriage, transpeople already possessed those rights. Transphobia, homophobia and ignorance have combined with adverse legal cases and conservative blowback over the 2003 Massachusetts court case legalizing gay marriage to mess with or restrict those rights.
And one of the motivations for invalidating transgender marriages centered on denying the transwomen monetary settlements or in Michael Kantaras' case, custody of his children.

Arthur Corbett had his marriage to transwoman April Ashley annulled in 1971. Corbett argued that his marriage was illegal because April was born male, she should be treated as such in perpetuity despite her gender surgery.
It also didn't help that at the time medical opinions on transsexuality hadn't evolved to the current point, and no consensus was reached on whether Ms. Ashley should be legally seen as male or female.

The result of this test defined Ms. Ashley as male despite a career as a successful model. It was unfortunately used in the UK to define the gender of transsexual people for many purposes until the passage of the Gender Recognition Act in 2004.
The Gender Recognition Act ultimately defined the sex of transsexual people as whatever is on their birth certificate.
The 1996 Defense of Marriage Act was enacted to keep same gender couples from marrying, but the unintended effects of it have been on the marriages of transgender people.

Why? So an insurance company could deny her a multimillion dollar wrongful death lawsuit she filed on behalf of her late husband Mark Littleton.
The conservative push to ban gay marriage has resulted as of November 2008 30 states passing constitutional amendments by lopsided margins. In some cases several of the same gender marriage bans go a step further and ban domestic partnerships as well.
Those amendments have had a deleterious effect on transgender marriages. Although our marriages are not specifically mentioned in them, foes and 'friends' have ignorantly asserted that trans marriages are 'same-sex' ones, and subject to these odious amendments. The gay community is guilty of doing so in order to push its marriage agenda.

The point is gay community, no matter what the genital configuration, it's a simple concept to grasp. If a transwoman marries a cisgender man, or a transman marries a cisgender woman, it is a opposite sex marriage, not a same gender one.
If you have a transman and a cisman trying to get married or a transwoman and a ciswoman getting married, it is a same gender one. Genitalia combinations and situations will determine whether it's a legal one or not based on jurisdiction.
But it bears repeating that in the zeal of the gay community to get married, it's the transgender community that once again, disproportionately gets the negative fallout from it.
As a supporter of marriage equality and being transgender myself, I received some negative feedback from married transgender people. I still support marriage equality because in the long run, transgender people will never obtain equality by assimilating. In the short haul it is all about family and love. That is what is important and what we will be remembered for.
Dividing transgender into trans-man, trans-woman is itself too simplistic, and that's where your theory falls flat: only marriage equality, which really means marriage gender neutrality can make marriage work for people who genuinely don't fit in either box - like a whole lot of trans people.
Sorry, but I'm absolutely convinced that Marriage Equality, and that is full Civil Marriage for people of whatever gender, is important and sould be established simply as civil right.
It is not Marriage Equality that hurts trans people that have their gender corrected and have married, nor is it the fight for Marriage Equality.
Just remember that the haters will ALWAYS find an excuse to be against you as someone with a trans background and will try to make your life misserable if they can.
Full Civil Marriage Equality will benefit ALL, either lesbian, gay AND trans people.
Just remember there are couples where they can not afford the surgery and if that is not a problem in the relationship, it will be preventing these people from building their life together!
Remember there also in the US are states that do not allow to have a birth certificate updated with the correct gender and also states that only allow mafrriage based on the original birth sex, even if you have had SRS and your birth certificate adapted.
There also are other countries in the world that do not allow correction/adaption of the birth certificate..
Basic human rights to have all the digity a person has a right to are by far not an accepted right in all countries in the world.
So, don't go into declaring same sex marriage struggle as a bad thing on trans people as though it might affect some by effect of haters against US, but others are just as badly affected by non full equality as are most.
We simply have to ALL stand together in getting equal rights enacted for ALL, independedt of where we fit in thye LGBTQI.. and Straight community!
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