Friday, June 01, 2012

TPOCC's In The House At The PHTC

I won't be in Philadelphia for the Trans Health Conference mainly because of my impending trip to Netroots Nation, but TPOCC, the Trans People Of Color Coalition will be there in full effect.

The PHTC got the convention party started yesterday with a keynote speech by Minister Louis Mitchell and TPOCC will be having two events during the 2012 run of the world's largest trans event that ends June 2.

So what's TPOCC?   It's the now two year old organization founded by Kylar Broadus in 2010 that advocates for the rights of trans persons of color.  

So for those of you at the PTHC, you may wish to check out those TPOCC sponsored events and show the organization some love.   If I were there in Philly, I'd damned sure be standing in solidarity with them. 

In addition to that, I'd be asking what I can do to help build them up and letting them know what they can do to be an effective voice for our POC trans community .