Another day, another troll nuking mission for the crew of the USS Monica cruising the cyberseas in search of people trying to post bull feces in my TransGriot comment threads.
The latest target is Stephen, who tried to post this comment on a 2007 Julia Serano guest post commenting about the There's Something About Miriam show.
Well Those who hold certian religous beliefs are
the one who will never see transwomen as Women. Transwomen will save themselves allot of trouble if they come out in the open about it. It should be assumed that both genders where born male or female. both physically
and mentally. WIth increasingly good results of sex change operations Men have reason to be concerned now we have to ask real women if they where born women. and thats rude. You t-----s have done
society a real disservice.
Going to break your comment up in bite size chunks so I can conduct a proper troll nuking. .
Well Those who hold certian religous beliefs are
the one who will never see transwomen as Women.
Stephen, frankly we transwomen don't give a rat's anus what you peeps with 'certain religious beliefs' hold or whether you see transwomen as women. Just 40 years ago people with 'certain religious beliefs' thought it was okay to discriminate against African Americans. Enough cis women do recognize us as their sisters, cis and trans men and our allies recognize us as women, increasingly the scientific community and a majority of society recognizes transpeople are part of the diverse mosaic of human life.
The God I worship and who created transpeople like me doesn't judge people like you sacrilegious types do on a regular basis.
Transwomen will save themselves allot of trouble if they come out in the open about it
I presume by this sentence you're talking about dating issues. You're stating something that we've stated in internal group conversations for decades and I've written more than a few posts about.
It should be assumed that both genders where born male or female. both physically
and mentally.
Huh? What? You know what Benny Hill said about when you ASSUME...
The reality is that some people born in masculine bodies have feminine brains, personas and gender ID, and some people born in feminine bodies have masculine brains, personas and gender ID. All we transfolks did was simply go through the procedures to make our bodies match our minds and personas
WIth increasingly good results of sex change operations Men have
reason to be concerned now we have to ask real women if they where
born women. and thats rude.
Women come in all shapes, sizes, body configurations and myriad ways of how they express their femininity and you need to deal with the reality that you have unaddressed misogyny issues. If you're that nekulturny to ask a cis woman that question, you don't deserve to date her.
You t-----s have done
society a real disservice.
Excuse you? You've done society a disservice by masquerading as a human being instead of the transphobic waste of DNA you are. Transpeople are part of the diverse mosaic of human life, we aren't going anywhere and society and people like you need to deal with that fact.
If you don't want to date transwomen, that's your prerogative. We don't like much less want to date azzholes so the feeling's mutual. We aren't apologizing for living our lives, being proud of who we are, and finally getting to live our lives as the women we know we are. Neither are transwomen going to wear scarlet 'T''s as we go about our daily lives just to make you faith based transphobes comfortable.
Duck and cover fool, and don't look at the flash when the troll nuke explodes.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
TransGriot Nuke A Troll 27-Nuking Another Transphobe

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