In consultation with the organisers of RadFem 2012 and our legal advisors, Conway Hall has decided not to allow the booking in July 2012 to proceed. This is because it does not conform to our Terms and Conditions for hiring rooms at Conway Hall. In addition, we are not satisfied it conforms with the Equality Act (2010), or reflects our ethos regarding issues of discrimination.
We had sought assurances that the organisers would allow access to all, in order to enable the event to proceed at the venue. We also expressed concern that particular speakers would need to be made aware that whilst welcoming progressive thinking and debate, Conway Hall seeks to uphold inclusivity in respect of both legal obligations and as a principle.
In the absence of the assurances we sought, the event in its proposed form could not proceed at Conway Hall.
The July 2012 conference ran into trouble because it specifically sought to exclude transwomen from the venue in violation of Britain's Equality Act and is featuring longtime transphobic hatemonger Sheila Jeffreys as a keynote speaker.
RadFem2012 has stirred up not only trans people, womanists, cis allies and trans feminists in opposition to it, but cis feminists tired of the over four decades of rampant transphobia pimped by the radfems are finally calling them out about it and pushing back against the madness.
So naw, don't blame 'the trans conspiracy' for y'all losing your venue, your out of control transphobia did.
If you're looking for someone to blame, take a long look in the fracking mirror.
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