The major reason we celebrate Memorial Day is to remember all the service men and women who have given their lives in service for our country.
That's a nice segue into our weekly TransGriot business that we conduct every Friday. We take a moment to memorialize the fool, fools or group of fools who have made stupidity and ignorance an art form.
Have an honorable mention award this week for Harold Camping. He obviously didn't get the message to read Matthew 24:36 last week, and now claims his 'end of the word' prediction was off by five months.
This week's nominees are Michele Bachmann, Tim Pawlenty, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), Fox Noise, the WWBT's, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, Gov Rick Perry.(R-TX), the Republican Party.

Cantor said any aid would need to be offset by other spending cuts, "If there is support for a supplemental, it would be accompanied by support for having pay-fors to that supplemental." The term "pay-fors" means either spending cuts or tax increases, and the Republicans have firmly stated that they would not pass any tax increases this year.
Funny, didn't say that about the aid for tornado victims in Alabama. Is it because it has a Republican governor and Republican senator, unlike Missouri, with a Democratic governor and Sen. Claire McCaskill (D) facing reelection next year?
And will you say the same thing about aid for the tornado victims in Oklahoma, another state with a Republican governor and Republican senators?
'Compassionate conservatism' at its finest. I guess what they mean is that they only have compassion for conservatives.
Rep. Eric Cantor, shut the HELL up fool!
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