We haven't even reached Memorial Day yet and the signs are accumulating that it's going to be a long, uncomfortable summer for transpeople.
If it isn't
the po-po's jacking with us, it's some fool who has self esteem issues that wants to take them out on us to make themselves feel more like a man or woman.
As the legal process
continues to move forward in the wake of the Chrissy Polis McBeatdown in the Baltimore burbs, word of another transperson being attacked in
Fredericksburg, VA is racing across the Transophere.
The 32 year old victim was leaving a convenience store near her home at 3:30 PM on May 21 when she was surrounded by two cis males and a cis female, taunted,
and then assaulted. The attackers fled in two vehicles and the victim was able to get the license plate numbers of both vehicles.
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