Sunday, August 01, 2010

Nikki Araguz Update 7-Opposition Research

Many of us in the Houston trans community were wondering when the news of this case broke how in Hades did Nikki's business get out there to the media so fast?

Turns out Frank Mann III, the attorney now representing Heather Delgado and the family, also represented Delgado during a bitter custody hearing between her and Thomas and Nikki Araguz. He also represented Nikki and her first husband during a 2002 bankruptcy case.

Can you say, Breach of attorney-client privilege?

Thought you could.

Mann has not only been in trouble with the state bar for previous ethical transgressions in 1990 and 1997, he's in trouble again with the State Bar of Texas for this e-mail he released during Nikki's run for mayor of Wharton back in May that not only outed her, but disclosed some if her medical history.

He would not say how many people he sent the e-mail to, but it became public during Araguz's race for Wharton mayor this spring.

According to a Houston Press article on this issue, Mann's e-mail kicks off with "Occasionally you get a case that makes the papers or Jerry Springer," and just gets classier from there. "...I am sending this to you because you are a friend of mine and the deposition is public knowledge. I think the citizens of Wharton Texas should know this information....Nikki Purdue Araguz is the stepmother in a case of mine and she gave testimony that she is a transgender. She is a he. Her birth certificate states that she is male. She has multiple felony convictions in Harris County...and is on probation in Wharton County for possession of a controlled substance."

Hmm..a possible HIPA violation on top of a State Bar ethics complaint filed by Nikki?

And here's Cristan's video about Frank Mann III

Stay tuned for the next update in 'As The Araguz Court Case Turns'.