And yeah, the Sisterhood of the Traveling White Pantsuits is still hatin' even though President Obama has despite all the forces arrayed against him been successful in his first term as our leader.
But you wouldn't be able to tell that by some of the scribblings coming from white women.
Whether it's firedoglake's Jane Hamsher trying to muster support for a 2012 primary challenge of the POTUS, the lukewarm support he's gotten from progressive white women, the cricket chirping silence from the feminist blogosphere and white women when First Lady Michelle Obama is attacked by the conservafool movement or blog commentary from white women remixing those bigoted 2008 talking points of Harriet Christian, it's clear the Sisterhood of the Traveling White Pantsuits are still drinking the Vanilla Ice flavored hateraid from the 2008 Democratic primary from 55 gallon drums.

The African American community damned sure does remember those comments and aren't going to forget them anytime soon despite the fact that the YouTube viral video of her saying them got deleted.
But the written word is a wonderful thang, and here's what Harriet said at the time that got scribbled down for posterity by reporters. .
"I'm from New York City -- Hillary state. The best nominee that's possible, and the Democrats are throwing the election away, and for what? An inadequate black male who would not have been running had it not been a white woman who was running for president?"
"I'm not gonna shut my mouth anymore. I can be called white, but you can't be called black. That's not my America. It's equality for all of us, and it's about time we all stood up for it,"
"I was a second-class citizen before - now I'm nothing."
"They think we won't turn and vote for McCain. Well, I've got news for all of you: McCain will be the next president of the United States."

Sen Obama's historic landslide win was irrefutable testimony of that along with the nearly 2 million people who crowded the Mall on that sunny January 20, 2009 day to watch his inauguration.
But methinks elements of you continue to echo the sentiments of Ms.Christian and are still angry that President Obama and his family are living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and not their preferred candidate who is the current Secretary of State.
As the president said, elections have consequences.
The 2008 election is over and Sen. Hillary Clinton lost. Sen..Obama secured the Democratic nomination for POTUS and had his name etched in our history books because he waged a better organized and better funded campaign. He eventually became the 44th president of the United States of America as a result.
It was unfortunate that the last people standing for the 2008 Democratic nomination both ran in that year historic candidacies on behalf of groups that have held centuries long dreams of having one of their own sit in the Oval Office in women and African-Americans.
Somebody was going to be bitterly disappointed when it was over and it's just this time, it worked out for African-Americans. Once we saw that Sen. Obama had a legitimate shot to make our people's long awaited dream of an African-American president come true, we were all in as a community and busted our asses to make it happen just like we're all in to get him a second term.

That female POTUS may even be a woman of color or trans to boot. But seriously, y'all need to stop hatin' on the progressive African-American one we have that's doing the thankless job right now of cleaning up Junior's mess with no help from Congress.
Sisterhood of the Traveling White Pantsuits, it's past time for y'all to exhale, deal with your finite disappointment and rekindle that infinite hope that it will happen.
It's also time to get focused on winning this 2012 election for Team liberal -progressive and keeping the White House in our column.
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