He stated that 'Truth is beautiful and proper at all times and in all places.' and it most certainly is.
One of the things I've learned throughout my life and my time as an activist, especially in spaces where I tend to be the lone POC in those spaces and any others I happen to inhabit is to fearlessly speak my mind and my truth.
There were times when I bit my tongue in some situations and regretted it, because when I got a chance to do some hard solid thinking and ponder the situation, my input at that particular time would have injected a much needed African descended perspective in that particular discourse and I was upset because I didn't do so at that time.
The point is as African descended transpersons, we don't have many of us out there as spokespeople authoritatively articulating the views of our people, and we need to take advantage of those opportunities when we get them.

One of the tenets of leadership, especially in the African American community is speaking truth to power. Being a Black trans leader means that in order for me to be an effective advocate for my community, I have to challenge status quo thinking and policies.
Neither am I going to sugar coat what needs to be said to make it palatable for people who wish to keep certain negative memes about my people going for their benefit or to ignore or erase my existence.

We want and deserve better for ourselves and our people. That means in order to achieve that goal, I and others are going to be speaking up and exercising power in ways that doesn't fit with the 'all marriage all the time' groupthink of the white GL community, nor are we going to be sitting quietly as we are erased from trans community discourse, trans history or the leadership ranks of the trans community.
If you don't like that, tough. You've had ample opportunity on your own to correct the problem and failed to do so. It's past time for African descended transpeople to express ourselves due to our experiences as African-Americans in ways and policy stances that are Afrocentric in character.
Whatever policy stance we support in our minds need to have visible benefits not only for our downtrodden trans slice of the community, but the trans community in total.

So when push comes to shove, whether it's a panel discussion, a community forum, a radio show or podcast, on this blog or any others I have the honor of guest posting on, I'm going to speak my truth.
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