Thursday, October 13, 2011

TDOR 2011 Update

Will be keeping you TransGriot readers up to date on the latest information for the upcoming 13th Annual Transgender Day of Remembrance on Sunday, November 20.

The list of people we are memorializing for 2011 was updated on September 16, with Gaurav Gopalan of Washington DC added to it. Information for upcoming TDOR events is also starting to be added to the event location lists

For you Texans, the Austin TDOR will be held on November 20 at Austin City Hall starting at 6 PM.

The Dallas TDOR will be held on November 20 from 6 PM to 7:30 PM at the at the Interfaith Peace Chapel.   The address of the chapel is 5910 Cedar Springs Road in Dallas, Texas 75235. For more info on it you can check out the Dallas TDOR webpage or their Facebook event page for updates.

San Antonio will have a TDOR event at the MCC San Antonio church on Thursday, November 17 at 6:30 PM.  Nikki Araguz will be the keynote speaker.  MCC San Antonio is located at 611 East Myrtle, San Antonio, TX 78212.   There will also be another TDOR event on November 20 at 6:00 PM in front of the San Antonio City Hall.

As for Houston, nothing posted yet on the event list, but when I get that info I most certainly will pass it along to you.

If you have any info concerning a TDOR event you are planning please e-mail Ethan St. Pierre at to expeditiously get that information to him for inclusion on the TDOR Events list.  You can also follow the updates on Twitter at::

TransGriot Update:
Houston TDOR will take place on Saturday, November 19 at Farish Hall's KIVA Room on the UH Campus from 7:00-9::30 PM.