Got to roll through the streets of Northampton, do the Miss America wave during the parade and enjoy the hospitality of Trystan Dean and the local community for that weekend. I had a wonderful time while doing so, it was a spirit lifting trip I needed at the time and I can't thank you folks enough for the love y'all showered on me.
Well, moving on to the business end of this post. The Trans Civil Rights March and Rally is back and will be happening this Saturday, October 15 from 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm EDT.
March will start at Lampron Park, located at 2 Parsons Street, Northampton, MA with the Rally will be at held in the main sanctuary at First Churches at 1 pm EDT. Interesting historical note about last year's parade route is that it passed a house that Sojourner Truth used to live in, and next time I'm in that are will have to visit that house.
Location for the rally is 129 Main St. Northampton, MA 01060 and if you don't wish to participate in the march, you can head straight to the rally site.
If you are in driving distance of the Pioneer Valley or the Northampton area, show the folks who put this event together some love and attend, and I'll hopefully see y'all in the Pioneer Valley again soon.
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