Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Congrats Dr. Stryker!

You longtime TransGriot readers know I have much love and respect for Dr. Susan Stryker, who is one of the people ensuring that rainbow community history and the trans contributions to it are preserved and not erased as they have been.

I was pleased to hear that Dr. Stryker, who was an associate professor of gender studies at Indiana University-Bloomington is now the director of the University of  Arizona's Institute of LGBT Studies.

Dr. Stryker is an author, filmmaker, archivist and activist whose 2005 documentary, Screaming Queens, the Riot at Compton's Cafeteria tells the story of the first known instance of collective militant resistance to anti-TBLG police harassment in US history. 
The 1966 Compton's Cafeteria Riot in San Francisco was led by transsexuals and drag queens and preceded the more widely known Stonewall one by three years. 

She held visiting professor faculty positions at Harvard University, the University of California-Santa Cruz, Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, BC and Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. 

She was the executive director of the GLBT Historical Society in San Francisco from 1999-2003 and her most recent book Transgender History mentions some blogger y'all know and love. 

Congrats Dr. Stryker, and may you have much success in your new position.