Wednesday, January 16, 2013

'Can We Talk For Real' Show Appearance Tonight

Just a reminder that your favorite blogger along with TPOCC Executive Director Kylar Broadus and Chicago's Kokumo Kinetic will be discussing the Trans Human Rights Struggle with the 'Can We Talk for Real' broadcast team of Terry Boi, Michelle and Ina starting at 10:30 PM EST; 9:30PM CST; 8:30PM MST; 7:30PM PST. 

You can take part in the sure to be lively discussion tonight on the Can We Talk For REAL  podcast or listen to the show if you're not near your computer by calling 347-215-8985.

'Can We Talk For REAL' is a Blog Talk Radio Show geared toward discussing the important issues of the LGBTQ Community including many issues that are hard to discuss within the community

Looking forward to chatting with everyone tonight and having an informative discussion on trans issues.