Friday, November 12, 2010

Transgender Week Of Awareness On U of L Campus

U of L's Office for LGBT Services and several LGBT student organizations will once again join with the surrounding Louisville community to celebrate Transgender Week of Awareness November 14-20, 2010. The week is an opportunity to celebrate the contributions of transgender people and to remember those who were killed during the year because of their gender identity/expression. Transgender Day of Remembrance is celebrated internationally on November 20 each year.

Community partners that are collaborating with U of L include Sienna, the Women's Center at the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, the Transgender Education Center (TEC), and Diversity Consultants. Student organizations such as commonGround, BlkOut, Transformations, and T2 are all planning events.

For a full schedule, visit

The university has made great strides in the last few years in creating a welcoming, inclusive environment for all people regardless of gender identity or expression. A nondiscrimination policy that includes gender identity, more gender neutral restrooms, nationally-recognized transgender keynote speakers, and two active organizations for trans students are just a few of the milestones from the last few years. Join us for this important celebration!