We are tired of being disrespected by our so called friends and allies in the gay and lesbian community We are tired of having cis people thinking they have carte blanche to speak for us, presume they know what is on our minds, what is transpiring in our lives, what we think is best for us politically, and what does and does not offend us.
We have told you for years now that 'tranny' is an offensive word to us, yet you gay and straight cis people persist in using it, trying to 'reclaim' it, write articles that ask what's wrong with it, and get paid making disrespectful movies that trumpet the insulting word in the title.

Just because a few obtuse people in our community haven't gotten that point does not give you a 'get out of jail free' card to keep spouting the T-word.
That sentiment goes double for those of you in gay and straight communities of color who are just as guilty of that nekulturny behavior as your vanilla flavored counterparts are.

Yes, we go though a lot of crap. We have endured GRS in some cases, sat through countless hours of traditional and laser electrolysis and have shed a lot of blood, sweat, cash and tears to be us. In many cases we have developed think skins to deal with the slings and arrows we take from society.
But even we have our emotional breaking points.
I'm not an auto transmission. I'm a African-descended human being of trans experience. Respect that and treat me and all my transpeople the way you wish to be treated.
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