Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Happiness Is An Inside Job

TransGriot Note:  More  words of wisdom from Rev. Joshua Holiday

Often we think that if we had a better childhood or lived in another town, if we had more money, the ideal relationship, a better job, a better home-then we would be happy.  Happiness doesn't come from a change in our circumstance.  Happiness is an inside job.  We are responsible for our own happiness.  If we are dependent on outside forces to make us happy, then we are leaving our happiness and joy to chance.  We can be happy each and every day by focusing on Spirit and the many blessings that Spirit provides for us.

I am responsible for my happiness.  I have what I need to be happy.  There is nothing outside of me to make me happy.  My happiness is an inside job and comes from Spirit.  With Spirit I have everything I need to be happy.  With Spirit as the center of my reality, I am at peace.  I live in joy.

Thank you, God-in me, through me, as me, around me, in the name of all that is good.  And so it is.

"For you shall eat the labour of your hands; happy shall you be and it shall be well with you."  Psalm 128:2 (Lamsa's Aramaic Translation)