Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving, Y'all!

Well, now it's our turn in the States to get our grub on and give thanks for everything that has happened positively for us this year. 

I'm eating Thanksgiving dinner here in Houston with blood family for the first time in a decade,  but don't think I'm not missing my chosen family in Da Ville on this day, my Edenside church family and all my friends up there.   .

While it's been a mixed bag for me in the blessings department, I'm still standing and praying that things get better personally for me, continue to get better writing wise and you TransGriot readers keep blessing this blog with your commentary, visits on a regular basis, and your own lives are blessed and low stress.

I also hope and pray that the trans community around the world gets some positivity shown its way as well.  We can definitely use it after the year we've had.

And now, to paraphrase the late Redd Foxx, "Good bread, good meat, I'm a Baptist, let's eat!