Despite massive international pressure placed on Uganda to drop the odious legislation that Bahati introduced as a Private Member's Bill in October 2009, he is quoted as saying, "Every single day of my life now I am still pushing that it passes."
His comments also came after the Rolling Stone paper in Uganda published a list of known gay people in the country that triggered attacks on them.and forcing some into hiding.
The only thing keeping the Anti-Homosexuality bill from passing according to Bahati is Ugandan president Yoweri Musaveni's fear of international sanctions if they do pas the draconian bill, which calls for jailing and execution of gay people.

The bill also includes provisions for punishing Ugandans who engage in same gender sexual relations outside of Uganda and asserting that they may be extradited back to the country for punishment.
It even includes penalties for individuals, companies, media organizations, or non governmental organizations that support GLBT rights..
The world needs to speak up and speak loudly with one voice right fracking now before another murderous orgy of genocidal killing gets unleashed aimed at Uganda's GLBT population.
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