Whether it's large or small city councils, county commissions, school boards, mayor's chairs, judges, state legislatures and ultimately Congress, we just need to do it.
Transpeople in other nations such as former New Zealand MP Georgina Beyer have successfully done so, and it's past time we emulate that in the States.
While we had some successes, we can always use more
That's why I was happy to hear that Oklahoma City attorney Brittany Novotny is currently exploring a run to take on homophobic Republican Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern in the 2010 election cycle. She's planning on making a formal announcement either later this month or in October about her political plans.
Novotny graduated from University of California – Hastings College of the Law in 2005 and began a private practice in 2007 specializing in civil rights and employment law.
She has set up a website with a donation button. Her first event is a September 18 wine and cheese fundraising reception in Norman, OK.

The 84th House district seat she's contemplating running for borders the Oklahoma House district of the only openly gay legislator in the Oklahoma House, State Rep. Al McAffrey (D-Oklahoma City)
Kern earned the ire of the GLBT community last summer when she stated, "I honestly think it [homosexuality] is the biggest threat our nation has, even more so than terrorism or Islam.”

Kern has also earned the ire of the business community as well. Because of her homophobic antics and being a proud member the GOP bat guano wing, Republican consultant Brenda K. Jones claimed two companies that were about to announce a move to Oklahoma changed their plans according to a report in the Oklahoma City Journal Register.
Former Oklahoma County commissioner Jim Roth said Novotny has “a genuine understanding of the dignity intended for all citizens by our constitution. Her service will be a wonderful departure from the crazy, homophobic rantings of one-issue Sally Kern.”
I hope she decides to throw her hat in the political ring and run. If she does, it won't be easy. The Christohaters love Kern and definitely will pull out all the cash and the negativity they can muster to keep her in office.
We have to be just as determined to do whatever it takes to put Brittany in the Oklahoma House of Representatives.
If Novotny does run, I hope she gets to make a little history while deliciously knocking out of office one of our enemies.
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