Sunday, October 03, 2010

Hell No, Chuck- Keep Your Minstrel Show Money!

As  many of you loyal TransGriot Readers know I began a fundraiser that's going to run until November 16 designed to not only get a new computer for the blog, but have some money set aside for emergency repairs.

I thank everyone who has contributed so far, and I'm 7% of the way to my goal.  

While checking my e-mail discovered I had another $5 contribution and checked to see who the donation was from so I could properly thank the person.

Who was it from?   The person who does that jacked up New Millenium minstrel show

I sent this one back.

I have expressed my feelings on more than a few occasions in this blog and elsewhere across the Net about how insulting that show is to me, my people and African descended women and our allies in general, so what made you think I would accept that from you? 

To paraphrase a shero of mine, the late Rep. Shirley Chisholm,  I'm unbought and unbossed and plan to stay that way.

So hell no Chuck, keep your money.   My integrity and editorial independence is worth far more than $5.