Sunday, January 05, 2014

UT Fans Welcome Their New Coach To Austin

charlie strong
As I've stated in other UT related blog posts, I'm not a Texas Longhorns fan because I've had negative run-ins with elements of their arrogant and racist fanbase while I was a student at UH during the SWC days. 

In fact, it makes my day when I see their precious $140 million dollar football team of five star recruits get its collective butt kicked by teams that have less cashflow and had to work harder to get their players 

But did have to comment on Charlie Strong becoming the first African-American head coach of their football program.  Word is that Strong has accepted their offer and is about to sign a contract that pays him $5 million a year over the next five years to break the UT coaching color line.  

Congratulations and good luck, brother, you're gonna need it. 

LSUFreek put up at his blog this awesome GIF of the reaction that Strong's hiring as the Longhorn head coach has generated with elements of UT's demanding fanbase. 


And yeah, also not happy about the problematic reporting coming out of the Dallas-Ft Worth area about it too.