Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Moni's Long H-Town Day

As you read this, I'm enroute to downtown Houston and City Hall to speak at a city council meeting that starts at 1:30 PM.

I'm excited about it because it's not only the first Houston City Council meeting I have attended since I returned home, it's the first ever one I've signed up to speak at.

The subject?   Give you a wild guess what it's about    
The text of the speech will pop up at 3 PM CST for your reading pleasure and those of you in the H-town area will eventually get to maybe see me deliver it on public access cable.   

But it's not the only event on my schedule for today.   Today will also be the last scheduled meeting for the Houston Host Committee for Creating Change 2014 at the Montrose Center,.

Since I missed the last meeting because I didn't want to share my cold with 'errbody' else in the room, definitely want to be there for this one since I was a part of the team of people who were at that first Host Committee meeting back in April.

It's probably going to be a bittersweet and emotional moment when the realization hits us that it is the last scheduled one before CC14 happens at the Hilton Americas. 

While it's going to be a long day for me when I return home and I didn't help it by being up until 5:30 AM working on my City Council speech, if the sweat equity I put in today leads to a comprehensive NDO and a wildly successful CC14, then it'll be worth it.