Saturday, January 04, 2014

TransGriot International Top Ten-December 2013

hong_kong_new_years_eve_xkc101_40067129.jpgOne of the things I've resolved to do a better job of this year is do posts in which I track where my international readers are coming from. 

I take great pride in being a widely read international blog.  That information helps me do a better job of balancing out my international content so it isn't as North American, North Hemisphere or Western Hemisphere centric.

Of course, I'm always going to focus on events TBLG wise in the African Diaspora regardless of pageviews or location because that's part of my blog's mission statement.

So with this post I'm going to start doing on a monthly basis tracking my Top 10 nations where my blog traffic came from for that preceding month.

So let's get busy revealing those ten nations for December 2013.

10. Poland               729           
9.   China                 734
8.   Russia                2020
7.   France                2348
6.   Australia             2651
5.   Germany             3813
4.   Malaysia             4097
3.   Canada               6261
2.   Great Britain        8339
1.   United States      83897  

That was a surprise in terms of Poland sneaking into the Top Ten.  Malaysia jumping into the number 4 one since I complied the last post in April.   Maybe it's because I mentioned MP Anna Grodzka in that year end international trans year in review post.    No surprise who my top three are although Canada and Great Britain flip flop between the number 2 and 3 spot.

We'll see if there are any changes when I report the numbers for January.