Friday, January 17, 2014

Shut Up Fool Awards-The Greatest's Birthday Edition

muhammad-ali-knock-out.jpgToday as I noted in an earlier post is the 50th birthday of First Lady Michelle Obama. 

January 17 also happens to have a long list of celebrities and notable persons born on this date as well. 

The late Eartha Kitt was born on this date in 1927.  Betty White turns 92.  James Earl Jones is 83. along with former Virgina Governor L. Douglas Wilder.  Maury Povich is 75, and soul singer Sheila Hutchinson of the Emotions is 61.  Comedian Steve Harvey is 57, actor Josh Malina of Scandal fame and Shabba Ranks both turn 48, actress Zooey Deschanel  is 33, the Miami Heat's Dwyane Wade is 31.   Kimmy K's sex tape partner and Brandy's little brother Ray J is 32.  They are just a few of the long list of people along with the FLOTUS who were born on January 17.

Today is also the birthday of 'The Greatest', Muhammad Ali who turns 72 today.  The 1960 Olympic gold medalist and three time world heavyweight champion and humanitarian is still one of the most revered sporting figures around the world long after he hung up his boxing gloves  

And yes, I'm aware TransGriot readers that it's Friday, and y'all want me to get to our usual 'bidness' of knocking out stupidity with this week's edition of the TransGriot Shut Up Fool Awards.

So in honor of Muhammad Ali's birthday, let's do this boxing style.

TKO Number One is a joint one that goes to Tennessee Teapublican state legislators Mae Beavers and Mark Pody, who introduced legislation that would prevent any state agency from cooperating in any way with the Affordable Care Act.   But laws as written have unintended consequences, and one of them might be barring people from getting the vital healthcare they need.

Sheesh, you Teapublicans hate the Black President and the ACA that much huh?  I suggest an amendment to your unjust bill that would force GOP lawmakers to undergo mandatory mental health checks, since that kind of unchecked hatred is not healthy for you.  

TKO Number Two goes to Rep. Louie Gohmert (Teabagger-TX) who jusmps off his campaign for the 2014 Shut Up Fool of the Year Award with this comment in the wake of federal judges overturning Oklahoma and Utah same sex marriage ban by  saying they need 'basic plumbing lessons'.

Gohmert Pyle needs lessons on all the things he missed while attending school such as civics, government, history, the US Constitution.... 

TKO Number Three in another GOP Texan, Denton County Republican Party chair Dianne Edmonson, who warned that Greg Abbott wasn't a lock for Texas governor this fall by unleashing the 'Abortion Barbie' epithet at Democratic gubernatorial candidate Sen. Wendy Davis and bigoted shade at Lt Governor candidate Leticia Van de Putte

“So we can’t take for granted that just because Greg Abbott will have an ‘R’ after his name he will be our next governor,” Edmonson remarked. “Can y’all imagine what it would be like if ‘abortion barbie’ is the next governor? I don’t even want to think about that, so please help us elect whoever our slate Republican is starting at Greg Abbott.”
As Mr. Watts said, stay classy Dianne.   Yeah, I can imagine a Texas under a Governor Wendy Davis.  It'll be remarkably similar to the one we had under Gov. Ann Richards from 1991-1995 .   

She also vowed back on January 7 to defeat the “‘super women’ ticket of Abortion Barbie with Hispanic Sen Leticia Van De Putte.”

Texas deserves better leadership than what we've been getting from you Teapublicans.  And I vow to do everything possible ensure that Wendy Davis and Leticia Van de Putte are elected on November 4 and inaugurated next January as our Governor and Lt. Governor.    As a matter of fact, it's time for me to send donations to both the Davis and Van De Putte campaigns now.
TKO Number Four is North Carolina Teapublican and self described 'wacko bird' Greg Brannon who is running for the US Senate against embattled Sen. Kay Hagan (D). He not only claimed he moved to the state because he was and admirer of segregationist Jesse Helms, but compared food stamps to slavery

Yep, you are a 'wacko bird' if you're parting your lips to make that comparison and think you deserve to be elected to the US Senate.  Take it away, Maya Wilkes.

TKO Number Five is Virginia congressional hopeful Richard Black, who wasn't paying attention in the recent GOP 'How to Talk to Wimmin' classes and probably just became the Todd Akin of the 2014 election cycle as a result. 

The current VA GOP state senator parted his lips to say that spousal rape shouldn't be a crime.  I'll bet your wife has a dissenting opinion about that. 

Virginia voters, y'all know what to do to this fool on November 4.

TKO Number Six is FOX Noise fembot Andrea Tantaros, who went on a rant about Americans not knowing their history, and milliseconds later clearly demonstrated for the world to see she was one of the history challenged people she was slamming. 

TKO Number seven is Keith Ablow, who unleashed more televised transphobic hate at the trans community in a FOX Noise column he penned in which he claimed he was 'not convinced' that trans persons were real.  Six decades of accumulated evidence both medical and visual say otherwise, fool.

I'm 'not convinced' you're a medical professional qualified to part your lips to have an opinion about mine or any other trans person's life.   So have several seats and a Long Island ice tea flavored glass of STHU.      

This week's Shut Up fool award goes to Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern (Teabagger-OK), who predictably became unhinged when a federal judge (who was a Clinton appointee BTW) eviscerated their same sex marriage ban and said in a TV interview that “Homosexuality is not a civil right, it’s a human wrong,”

KOTVSally KernI also found it deliciously ironic that the judge who issued the ruling striking down the unjust law was named Terence Kern

No Sally, what's a 'human wrong' is your continued over the top homophobic hatred backed up by the legislative power you wield aimed at TBLG people in your state and beyond the borders of Oklahoma.

Don't get mad at us because one of your sons is rumored to be part of the rainbow family and allegedly came out at an Oklahoma bible college.  

And oh yeah, shut up fool!