Monday, January 06, 2014

OutSmart Article On Creating Change 2014

The only constant is change: Creating Change 2014 host committee co-chairs are (l–r) Tamira “Augie” Augustine, Christina Canales Gorzynski, Bryan Hlavinka, and Lou Weaver. Photo by Dalton DeHart.OutSmart is our local TBLG community magazine that has been publishing since 1997.  

Christina Gorczynski, one of our Houston Host Committee Co-Chairs,wrote an article that published in the latest issue of it concerning the rapidly approaching January 29-February 2 date of Creating Change Houston style. 

And yeah, as you probably guessed, a  certain blogger y'all know and love was quoted in it.

And for those of you traveling to Houston wondering  if I'm going to be there for CC14, um yeah.  This is my birthplace and hometown (although Louisville likes to claim me as theirs, too).  I've been part of the team helping put it together since April and I'm already scheduled for two panel discussions.   You think I was going to miss a Creating Change in my backyard?    

Here's the link to it, and looking forward to seeing everyone who is going to be part of the record breaking crowd we are expecting at the Hilton Americas Hotel in a few weeks.