Wednesday, January 15, 2014

106 Years- Happy Anniversary AKA!

January 15 is not only the birthday of the greatest American our people have ever produced, it is also the date in 1908 on the Howard University campus the world's first sorority organized by African-American women was founded and later incorporated. 

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. has grown from the original group of women led by Ethel Hedgeman Lyle to an international organization headquartered in Chicago of 250,000 women of diverse backgrounds that include my mom and my sister in over 900 graduate and undergraduate chapters..   

It has now entered its second century of service to all mankind under the leadership of International President Carolyn House Stewart, who is making AKA history by not only being the first attorney to head the organization, but the first to serve a full term in the sorority's second century.

To all my TransGriot readers who are AKA's, Happy Founder's Day and happy anniversary!