Saturday, January 04, 2014

Homegoing Services For Minister Bobbie Jean Baker January 11

For those of you who may not have heard the tragic news, our West Coast sister Minister Bobbie Jean Baker was killed in a hit and run accident January 1 after attending a New Year's Eve watch service.

Here's the information about the homegoing service for those of you on the Left Coast who want to pay your last respects to our sister who was very active in the trans* faith community.

It will be officiated by Bishop Yvette Flunder and take place next Saturday, January 11 at First Congregational Oakland UCC starting at 1 PM PST.

Address of the church is 2501 Harrison St, Oakland, CA.

For those of you in the Bay Area whose lives she touched, I hope you will consider attending and being there in body for those of us who would like to be there but can only do so in spirit.

Let's fill that sanctuary up as a tribute to her and in honor of her years spent in service to our community

If there are any updates to the story, I will pass them along as soon as I get them.