Monday, August 01, 2011

3rd Annual Texas Transgender Nondiscrimination Summit Happens This Month

Looking forward to stepping back on the University of Houston campus on August 12-13 for the 3rd Annual Texas Transgender Non-Discrimination Summit.   

It's presented by The Texas Transgender Nondiscrimination Summit, the Houston GLBT Community Center, the Hollyfield Foundation, it will be held in Room 104 of the Roy G. Cullen Building on campus.

Our keynote speakers for the TTNS will be Dr.Paige Schilt on August 12 and Meghan Stabler on August 13. The TransGriot will be there in full effect along with our gracious hosts from the UH Department of English,  your generous sponsors, and your organizing team. .

I'm planning on doing posts on the TTNS happenings like I did last year, but it's still not too late to register for the event   This year I hope to see representatives from our local HBCU's Texas Southern and Prairie View A&M Universities in attendance as well.

To register by mail, send your check made payable to the Houston GLBT Community Center to: 
Texas Transgender Nondiscrimination Summit, P. O. Box 1095, Baytown, Texas 77522

Regular Registration fee: $20
Student Registration fee: $10

In addition to the dynamic keynote speakers, there will be seminars, workshops, and the opportunity to meet and greet other activists and people across the Lone Star State interested in advancing civil rights inside and outside the education realm for transgender Texans

And hope we do the chocolate break again this year, too!.

Looking forward to seeing y'all on the UH campus.