Thursday, August 04, 2011

Teonna Brown Pleads Guilty In McBeatdown

Earlier today now 19 year old Teonna Monae Brown pleaded guilty in a Baltimore County court to one count of first-degree assault and one count of a hate crime in the videotaped beating of 22 year old transwoman Chrissy Lee Polis in a Rosedale, MD McDonald's that went viral.

The attack occurred days after a public accommodations free trans rights bill died in the Maryland senate and focused renewed attention on the human rights of trans people and how vital civil rights protections are for us.

According to Baltimore County State's Attorney Scott Shellenberger, the girl who was charged as a juvenile in the Polis attack admitted her role in it during a June 1 juvenile court proceeding and was sentenced to a locked juvenile facility.

The sentencing of Brown will take place next month with prosecutors seeking a five year prison sentence for the McBeatdown.   

I'd like to suggest they add something else to the sentence.   Once Brown and the juvenile complete their jail time, they not only be sentenced to do a specified number of hours with a Baltimore area group that does community service working on behalf of transpeople, that they attend a local Transgender Day of Remembrance ceremony as well..