Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Sen. Booker Calls Out DHS Secretary For Silence About Trump's Racism

Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) put Department of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen on blast during a Senate oversight committee hearing today or cosigning Trump's racist comments about Haiti and other African nations

He also called he out for her convenient bout of amnesia when question about Trump's comments.

“The commander in chief, in an Oval Office meeting, referring to people from African countries and Haitians with the most vile and vulgar language — that language festers,” Sen. Booker said. “When ignorance and bigotry is alive with power, it’s a dangerous force in our country. Your silence and your amnesia is complicity.”
He also call Nielsen out about DHS ignoring the overwhelming evidence concerning white supremacist terrorism in this country.