Thursday, January 04, 2018

March For Black Women Houston Is Happening!

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You would think that Texas white women, after voting for Greg Abbott in 2014 at a 67% clip, and Trump in 2016 would at least be trying in 2018 to atone for their past mistakes and learn what the word intersectionality means.

But nope, still making the same bullheaded white feminism fueled mistakes.  After failing to address concerns by various Houston Black and women of color leaders that women of color representation is still below reasonable expectations, Houston's Black women have said enough and are skipping the Houston Women's March scheduled on January 20.

Black Lives Matter Houston and Houston Rising are organizing the March for Black Women HOU that will take place on February 24 at Houston City Hall.

Black Women!!!! We are a power like no other when we are joined together. We have suffered the most heinous maltreatment in this country and we are still here. Standing. Proudly. Let us gather together to celebrate each other. There is no one that understands us like us. We will celebrate the African Diaspora of womanhood in all the ways it exist. Experience the music and poetry of sisters from dynamic perspectives. Engage in the advancement of Black Lives. Connect.
 This event is Black woman centered. We welcome all allies in support of black women. Be mindful that this is for us. This event will be continuously updated with artist and speakers who will be present at the march.

I've been asked to be part of it and have accepted the invitation.   As we get closer to the date of the March For Black Women HOU, I'll keep you posted on the developments.