Friday, January 19, 2018

Not Going To The Houston Women's March

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Tomorrow should have been a day in which women across the Houston metro area gathered to march from the Buffalo Bayou Waterworks Building to Houston City Hall, rally, network and build momentum toward flipping this state blue during the November 6  elections

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That's not going to happen because the white fauxminist organizers continued last year's problematic pattern of refusing to #TrustBlackWomen and erasing trans women.   Because they didn't correct last year's mistake and invite Houston Black feminine leaders to the table to help plan the event,  it is not going to be a gathering of all the women in the Houston area.

Houston's Black women, cis and trans are sitting this one out and planning their own event on March 3 at Emancipation Park.

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The white women running it declined to work with Houston Black feminine leaders from the outset, and don't .even get me started about their lack of outreach to the Houston trans feminine community.

Did you not get the lesson that if your feminism isn't intersectional, you're doing it wrong?
Obviously you didn't, and that's why I and many Houston Black feminine leaders and our allies WON"T be at your little party

I find it laughably ironic one of your slogans for the Houston march is 'Hear our vote' when the women voters that have been speaking the loudest are the votes of the Black women who are the base of the Democratic Party. 

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It is Black women's votes that powered Hillary Clinton toward capturing the 2016 Democratic nomination and nearly got her the presidency.   It was Black women's votes that powered the blue wave wins in Virginia and Alabama in 2017, and that will carry the Democrats to victory in November because far too many of you white women are voting for Republicans like Trump and Abbott. 

So when y;all kick that march off, I'll have something else to do.