Monday, January 22, 2018

Laverne's Historic Cosmo Cover

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Just in time for Black History Month, Laverne Cox continues to blaze trails and make me and other Black trans peeps proud of her.

Her latest history making endeavor is to become the first out trans woman of any ethnic background to be featured as a cover girl for Cosmopolitan magazine. 

Cosmo South Africa decided to focus their February issues on the TBLGIQ+ community and love, and tapped Laverne to be on the cover of it.

In her letter to the magazine, she also continued to speak about trans women  dating and finding love.

Image result for Laverne on ESSENCE magazine cover'Trans women need to be loved out in the open and in the light,' she said.    I agree with her.  I also believe that if their wasn't a stigma toward dating trans women and the people who love us could do spenly, it would go a long way toward cutting our murder rates and the domestic partner violence we see.

But that's another post.

This one is all about celebrating Laverne's historic Cosmo cover achievement.   

Hope she also gets some solo covers on ESSENCE (she's done two group covers) and EBONY magazines this year as well