Monday, January 01, 2018

Happy New Year 2018

Image result for Mr T New years eve
Happy New Year, Trans Griot readers!   Yeah, I know it hasn't hit midnight in the Mountain and Pacific time zones yet, but since I'm chilling in Houston, it is 2018 for moi.

And yes, today is also TransGriot's blogiversary

2018 is also a political election year, so all you peeps pissed off over everything that is coming out of the GOP controlled government, on November 6 you have a chance to step to the ballot box and change it.

There's also some things I want to leave behind in 2017 and goals I want to and need to reach in 2018   While 2017 wasn't as bad as it could have been, there are things that happened that also would have made it much better.

Image result for magic eight ball answers
Is a relationship in the cards for me in 2018?   That I'm not sure about. 

I'd like to do more education and panel discussions on trans issues.   I want to get bust on that needed and necessary project of eviscerating transphobia from cis Black community ranks that is negatively impacting the human rights of all Black people as the GOP tries to use it as a wedge issue.

I'd like to put those championship punditry skills to use  (I'm the Netroots Nation 2016 Pundit Cup champ) and exercise them in 2018.   I want to have more op-ed articles published this year .

And I want to do an international trans conference this year.

Image result for Laila Ireland
There are a few trans folks I haven't met in Trans World I'd love for that to happen like Laila Ireland, Lauren Foster and Del. Danica Roem for starters.  .And yes, trans kids, you know I'll always have and will make time to listen to your concerns. 

Image may contain: 9 people, people smiling, people standing and indoor
Better self care is also on the menu in 2018.  I need to spend more time hanging out with my homies and homettes for stuff beyond just activist stuff.   Need to do more fun stuff with the peeps I care about, and maybe the upcoming debut of the Black Panther movie can be the jumping off point for it.

We'll see if all of that happens for me as this year unfolds. .