Saturday, December 08, 2012

Sage Smith Case Update-Sage's Birthday Approaching And She's Still Missing

Sage Smith's 20th birthday on December 13 is rapidly approaching, and the trans teen that has been missing since November 20 still has yet to be heard from by family or friends.   Someone else that hasn't been heard from besides Erik McFadden, the last person to talk to Sage is the media.

Kinda sad that if you Google 'Sage Smith', links to my blog posts pop up.   I shouldn't be one of the few peeps commenting on it, a point GLAAD's Daryl Hannah made in his HuffPo post he wrote about the lack of media coverage in this case 

Yeah, I'm not happy about this, but I'll put my pissivity about this indifference toward this young POC transperson's life on pause and turn the focus of this post back toward finding our trans youngling.

A vigil and walk is happening later today starting at 6:30 PM EST.   If you live in the area and can support the family and this event, please do so.

The Vigil and March, will begin at 6:30pm Saturday at 731 Orange Dale, we will start with prayer, then words of reflection from family and friends,. Then we will walk from Orange Dale, down 9th street, up the 9th/10th street connector, right on Main street, than down to the Train station ending at around 7:30. This will symbolize the lantern shining to help Dashad find his way home, as well as the light which must be shined on his disappearance, to find out what has happened to Dashad. We also will have media there to help in spreading the word. We need peoples help in supplying the candles. We have gotten support from at least 3 area churches so far, and are trying to enlist other civic leaders.

If anyone has eyeballs on Erik McFadden or you have any pertinent information relevant to this case, please call the Charlottesville, VA Police Department at 434-977-4000.

And let's continue to pray for the safe return of Sage to her family.