Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Black In America-Who Is Black In America?

I know many people in the African-American community have had lukewarm reactions (myself included) about the CNN 'Black In America' series hosted by Soledad O'Brien.

After having a chat with Niece (AKA Dr. Kaila A. Story) I'm going to give it another chance in this episode that features the research of Dr. Yaba Blay.  In its latest incarnation that debuts on December 9, they will tackle the topic of colorism in our community.

What makes someone Black in America?   Is it skin color? History? Culture? All of the above? 

It's also an issue that Soledad has personal expecience with because she has a Black Cuban mother and claims both her Black and Latina heritage.

The latest episode of the Black In America series will tackle that topic starting at 8 PM ET/7 PM CT.