Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year 2013*

It's still New Year's Eve on my side of the International Date Line and we're a few hours away from the crystal ball drop in New York's Times Square and our local New Year's Eve event that happens at Discovery Green downtown.

KC and the Sunshine Band is the entertainment scheduled for it, but unfortunately rain is in our forecast for tonight, so I may end up watching it on television instead of standing in Discovery Green holding my umbrella and fighting off the chill. .

Speaking of television, New Year's Rocking Eve just won't be the same to me without Dick Clark.  But as my mascot for the Shut Up Fool Awards would say, enough jibber-jabber.   

Wanted to take a moment to thank y'all for reading TransGriot and wish you readers and all my friends and international trans family on the western side of the Date Line a Happy New Year!. 

Hope 2013 is a fantastic year for all of us and for the advancement of trans human rights in your respective nations.