The 21st annual Unity Banquet is taking place at the Sheraton Brookhollow Hotel in Houston with the keynote speaker this year being Dr Susan Stryker
It'll be the first time I've seen Susan since I spoke in Tucson last year and looking forward to seeing her. I hear Carter Brown of BTMI may be headed down to my end of I-45 from Dallas as well. If that's the case and if Phyllis Frye shows up and Katy Stewart pops in from Austin, you will have all four Texas Trans 100 List honorees in the same space.
Better make sure I'm in diva mode for all those photos. Anyway, still not too late for y'all to join us. It starts at 6:30 PM CDT
Speaking of starting things, let's segue to what y'all really surfed over to this post for, to find out who earned my Shut Up Fool Awards. My fools runneth over this week, and it made it tough to decide which fool, fools or group of fools deserved to get called out for their stupidity and ignorance more.
But I live for Friday, too So let's get started.
Honorable mention number one goes to the Senate Republicans for voting against universal background check legislation that 90% of the country wants to happen including gun owners.
And you wonder why the GOP's approval ratings are in the toilet and a Quinnipiac poll is showing if the 2014 midterms were held tomorrow the Democrats would get control of the House back.
Honorable mention number two is a joint award going to Justin Bieber and 50 Cent who wrote a self serving comment in the Anne Frank House guestbook while in the Netherlands that stated if Anne were alive today she'd be one of his fans.
“Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber,”
Dude, were you paying attention on this tour? Anne Frank was in that house along with her family, the van Pels and Fritz Pfeffer for two years to hide from Nazi persecution. She died in a concentration camp and you turn that story into a personal promotional opportunity? And you 50 Cent trying to defend that shows how clueless your behind is.
And frankly, Justin, you ain't all that music wise.
Honorable mention number three goes to Rep Steve King (Teabagger-IA) who less than 24 hours after the Boston Marathon bombing tried to seize on it as an excuse to justify his opposition to immigration reform.
And this comes from the man who might be Iowa's GOP nominee for the US Senate next year.
Honorable mention number four stays in the Lone Star State with Atty Gen Greg Abbott (R) who parted his lips to say that Democrats pose a greater threat to Texas than North Korea.
Sure Greg, I'll remember that in the next election cycle in 2014 and beyond when I'm casting my straight Democratic ticket because you Texas Republicans tried to pass unjust laws keep me from voting that you tried to defend in court.
Honorable mention number five goes to my worthless US senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Ted Cruz (Teabagger-TX) who voted against federal disaster relief for Hurricane Sandy victims but were quick in the wake the fertilizer plant explosion in West, Texas along with Gov.
This week's winner and so far early leader for the 2013 Shut Up Fool of the Year Award is Rep Louie Gohmert (Teabagger-TX) who once again opened his mouth during a C-SPAN interview and let something stupid and bigoted fly out of it..
“We know that al Qaeda has camps with the drug cartels on the other side of the Mexican border,” Gohmert agreed. “We know that people are now being trained to come in and act like Hispanics when they’re radical Islamists. We know these things are happening, and it’s just insane to not protect ourselves and make sure that people come in — as most people do, they want the freedoms we have.”
If you think I'm kidding, roll the C-SPAN tape. .
Rep. Louie Gohmert, shut the HELL up fool!
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