Tuesday, September 04, 2012

This Seat's Taken

And if everyone does their part on November 6 (or whenever early voting starts in your locale) it'll be taken until January 20, 2017.   Just an FYI fellow Texans, early voting for us starts on October 22. so make sure you're registered to vote before that date.

Here's information about casting absentee ballots and the deadlines for doing so in very state.

This has been the best president ever when it comes to trans human rights issues, and it's not just me saying that.

Tona Brown

Toni Newman

Trans United For Obama

I'm going to do my part to ensure that President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama and his family are residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave for another four years. 

And yeah, it would be nice if you send some people to the House and Senate while you're at it to help him pass some lesiglation to help the country.

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