Thursday, September 06, 2012

DNC 2012-Trans DNC Delegates Getting International Attention

The 13 trans delegates (and hearing rumors they have discovered a 14th delegate) are deservedly getting a lot of positive attention and positive press coverage for our community

There's a story about them on AFP (Agencie France Presse)  and is a concrete example of the well deserved media attention for this distinguished group of DNC trans delegates that is going international. 

Thanks to y'all for representing our community with class and dignity during DNC 2012
  • Super Delegate: Barbra Casbar Siperstein
  • Dana Beyer, M.D.
  • Kylar William Broadus
  • Janice Covington
  • Chris Land
  • Daria Lynn Lohman
  • Lesley Rebecca Phillips
  • Marisa J. Richmond, Ph.D.
  • Diego Miguel Sanchez
  • Jamie Dianne Shiner
  • Melissa Sklarz
  • Meghan Stabler