Saturday, May 03, 2014

2014 GLAAD Media Awards, NY Division Tonight

HomeWhile I'm in Dallas at the moment hanging out with my BTAC peeps, I will have one eye turned in the direction of New York City's Waldorf Astoria Hotel. 

Later tonight I'll discover like everyone else if I got an early birthday present and get to make a little more trans history in the process. 

The GLAAD Media Awards are taking place this evening, and as many of you loyal readers know TransGriot was nominated in the Outstanding Blog category.    I'm honored, pleased and happy that I'm the first trans feminine blogger to ever be nominated in this category.  

GLAADMediaAwardTrophy.pngI thank you all for your unwavering support of this blog over the last eight years.  I thank you for occasionally dropping cash in the TransGriot tip jar and sharing my posts on you Facebook and Twitter feeds so they do get read.   I thank you for the confidence you have expressed in me that I am doing my best to fulfill the mission I laid out for this blog in being a unapologetically Black trans voice for this community telling it like it T-I-S is on subjects inside and outside the TBLG community.. 

I thank you and I'm humbled by your glowing assessments of my chances of seeing that GLAAD award land on my trophy shelf, but the reality is I do have some stiff competition in this category.

Kimberley McLeod's Elixher, Alvin McEwen's Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters , Autostraddle and The New Civil Rights Movement  are no slouchy blogs either.  This is the second nomination for Autostraddle and the third for The New Civil Rights Movement.   

Kimberley and Alvin are quality people I have much love and the utmost respect for as well

So we'll see in a few hours if I can officially say that TransGriot is a GLAAD Media Award Winning Blog and give my haters something else to dislike me for.

Should they call my name tonight, I would be the first trans blogger ever to win the Outstanding Blog award in the short history of this category that started in 2011.

But if I don't, it was an honor just to be named as one of the five finalists in that category.