Saturday, May 17, 2014

UN High Commisioner Message To 5th European Transgender Council Meeting

Navanethem Pillay New High Commissioner for Human RightsWhile me and my BTAC trans family were gathering in Dallas for our event, our trans cousins in Europe were gathering in Budapest, Hungary from May 1-4 for the 5th TGEU European Transgender Council meeting.

The theme for the gathering that drew 200 delegates from multiple European nations was Trans* Safe and Equal.  The delegates assembled in Budapest did what any sizable gathering of trans folks does when we are in a space together.  We discuss, strategize and network about ways to improve the safety, quality of life and advance equality for trans people.

The delegates at the meeting got to view this taped keynote message from UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay in which the major point of it is one we marginalized people know all too well in terms of the twin terrors of prejudice and ignorance that drive anti-trans discrimination aimed at us.

UN High Commissioner Pillay's message, the first during her tenure that specifically focused it on the human rights issues that transgender people face, emphatically made it clear that the UN sees trans rights as human rights and the United Nations is on our side. .  .