Friday, May 02, 2014

BTAC 2014-Day 4

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Moni's FINALLY in the Black Trans Advocacy Convention house to handle her BTAC business, see her peeps, and do a little reporting about what's happening at this third annual convention. 

We start off Day 4 with more seminars running from 9:15 AM -2:30 PM    I not only get to do mine with Espy Brown from 1:15-2:30, after the break I head into the Tiq Milan moderated  Black Trans Community Summit in which I'm one of the participants along with Louis Mitchell, Kim Watson, Carmarion Anderson, Jonathan Thunderword, Justice William Millhouse, and Dee Dee Watters.

Then after the conclusion of the Summit, we move into the Black Trans Advocacy Awards gala in which KOKUMO is scheduled to be performing.