Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Last HERO Hearing

Public-hearing-on-Equal-Rights-ordinance.jpgI'm at City Hall preparing to do battle with the Forces of Intolerance in our last public comment session before the vote happens tomorrow on our Houston Equal Rights Ordinance.  

We supporters of the HERO will be easy to spot in the crowd today.   We have been asked to wear red for the hearing and are hoping for another big turnout when it starts at 1:30 PM CDT. .

We have outgunned them 127-38 in pro-HERO vs anti-HERO speakers in the two previous hearings, and the haters are desperate to change that dynamic.

In addition to getting Mike Huckabee to try to fire up their stormtroopers,  the Forces of Intolerance are planning to have a rally on the steps of City Hall to juice their turnout.

But with the Houston area weather forecast calling for a 70% chance of rain and the rain starting and consistently falling since 1:00 AM , they may be forced to cancel it (snicker snicker). 

Hey, God don't like ugly, and they've been wallowing in it like pigs in slop over the last several weeks.

The battle between us and the haters will be on local cable and livestreamed for those of you not in the Houston city limits, and you can watch it here

The final vote on the HERO and the amendments to it will take place tomorrow and I'll be in the City Hall house tomorrow for that one as well..

Send us your prayers, warm thoughts and well wishes as we fight for truth, justice and human rights for my hometown..

TransGriot Update:  Houston City Council voted to delay to HERO vote two weeks to May 28.