Friday, May 23, 2014

Shut Up Fool Awards- Memorial Day Weekend 2014 Edition

It's Friday, and once again we move toward the last Monday in May and Memorial Day weekend. 

It's the day we remember the people who gave their lives on battlefields around the world to protect our nation from foreign and domestic enemies and defend the freedoms enshrined in our Constitution.  

It's a Constitution I wonder if the conservafools have even read beyond the First, Second and Tenth amendments.   It's also apropos that we are heading into this Memorial Day weekend embroiled in a fierce debate inside Loop 610 in which many of us are engaged in the civil rights battle of our time in trying to pass the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance against the same group of segregationists who think their white privilege and specious religious beliefs trump our human rights.  

And it's a fight we are determined to win against the Houston Division of the Forces of Intolerance.

It has been a busy and contentious week leading into today, and I am compiling HERO related news posts that will pop up at noon CDT every day except on Fridays because I have other 'bidness' to handle first

And that 'bidness' as y'all long time TransGriot readers know is my weekly Shut Up Fool Awards. 

I get the pleasure of sorting out after y'all nominate them on Wednesdays what fool, fools or group of fools deserve to get called out on Friday. 

This Memorial Day weekend I had a lot of SUF award worthy fools to wade through, so let's get busy doing so. 

Honorable mention number one is the now unemployed duo of Kimberly Ray and Barry Beck, who engaged in a 12 minute transphobic rant on their Rochester, NY radio show that got the pair swiftly terminated.  

Another media personality that had to learn the hard way the trans community and our allies are not tolerating fact free attacks on us anymore. 

Honorable mention number two is Pat Sajak.  The conservafool host of Wheel of Fortune posted this tweet: "I now believe global warming alarmists are unpatriotic racists knowingly misleading for their own ends. Good night."   When the swift and sure reaction came from the Twitterverse Sajak tried to claim it was 'a joke' 

Yo Pat  FYI for you, racism is bigotry/prejudice plus systemic power, not an epithet for you vanillacentric privileged fools to throw around.   Global warming is no joke either as 97% of climate scientists will tell you.  

Honorable mention number three, RuPaul for once again disrespecting the trans community and trying to defend a word we're already said ad nauseum is a slur.   

Honorable mention number five is Dr Ben Carson, who continues to coon it up for the conservafools

Physician, please heal thyself from the sickness of conservatism. 

Honorable mention number five is Vice magazine co-founder Gavin McInnes, who opened mouth and inserted foot to say that the 'myth of racism' is crippling for Blacks.

And you would know this how Oh Almighty White Male?   'Myth of Racism' my azz.   You got it twisted. More like the reality of racism is crippling to Blacks and other non-white people in this country.   It irks me that you and other conservative white males rush to deny its existence, your deep seated pathological hatred of Black people and failure to acknowledge you benefit immensely from it.

It is a major reason why racism hasn't been eliminated from American society .  .

This week's Shut Up Fool winner is Allen West.   This conservaidiot who dishonored the uniform and tortured an Iraqi detainee and should be in jail for it had the nerve to attack Rep Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) because she agreed to serve on the Bengazipalooza Witch Hunt Committee.

West remarked of Duckworth: "I just don't know where her loyalties lie. You know, for her to have been a veteran, a wounded warrior for the United States Army, she should know that this is not the right thing. And hopefully, you know, she will remember the oath of office that she took as an Army officer and not the allegiance I guess she believes she has to the liberal progressives of the Democrat Party."

I just don’t know where her loyalties lie. You know, for her to have been a veteran, a wounded warrior for the United States Army, she should know that this is not the right thing. And hopefully, you know, she will remember the oath of office that she took as an Army officer and not the allegiance I guess she believes she has to the liberal progressives of the Democrat Party.
I just don’t know where her loyalties lie. You know, for her to have been a veteran, a wounded warrior for the United States Army, she should know that this is not the right thing. And hopefully, you know, she will remember the oath of office that she took as an Army officer and not the allegiance I guess she believes she has to the liberal progressives of the Democrat Party.

Allen West, Official Portrait, 112th Congress.jpgConservanegro, please.  What body parts did you leave behind in Iraq?  

The oath Rep Duckworth took as an Army officer who is still serving BTW as a Lt. Colonel in the Illinois National Guard states that she will defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic".

You fit that 'domestic enemies' part to perfection.

Allen West, shut the HELL up fool
