Thursday, May 22, 2014

HERO Updates, Notes and News -May 22

button-hero.jpgIt's Thursday and we're creeping closer to the May 28 session that will hopefully result in a historic human rights win.  I'm enroute to the KPRC-TV 2 studios to tape an interview for the Houston Newsmakers show that will be broadcast on Sunday.

Amelia Miller will also be in the studio with me representing our community along with show host Khambrel Marshall 

We are still having meeting across the city and gearing up for the big day.    There's an upcoming trans town hall on Saturday afternoon and the unveiling of the Rev. Dr MLK Jr. statue that will bring out the Houston Black politicos and allies.

Interesting poling numbers to note in this update.  Despite the faith based hate sermons of pastor Ed Young and Steve Riggle, 78% of Houstonians support the HERO.   In the African-American community despite Rev. Max Miller's best efforts to unleash the anti-trans hate at the behest of his controllers Dave Welch and Dave 'Fake Black Man' Wilson, that number is 85% support in the African-American community.

Yep boys, you're still on the wrong side of this human rights issue, and bussing in more peeps from The Woodlands, Tomball and whatever other Houston exurbs won't help.  

I also needed to show y'all me and other Houston trans peeps handling our HERO business at last Tuesday's hearings.

Interestingly enough, Dee Dee Watters and I have been mysteriously paired up to where we end up speaking immediately behind each other.    That happened last Tuesday, but in this case Dee Dee took everybody to church.   She is a POD deaconess, so I wasn't surprised when this happened.

Lou Weaver's testimony.

and I'll end it with the person I'll be sharing the KPRC-TV stage with in Amelia Miller.