Tuesday, May 06, 2014

City Council HERO Hearing Today

After dealing with the hate preachers last Wednesday, the HERO now goes before the full Houston City Council and another public comment meeting.that promises to be just as contentious as the April 30 committee meeting was.

Round Two of the battle to pass the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance kicks off at 1:30 PM CDT today and it promises to be just as contentious and ugly as it was last week during the Quality of Life committee hearing.

It's clear the strategy of the Pastor's Council haters is to let the Black ministers and other sellout people of color do their dirty work, and we need Houston SGL, trans and bi people of color to stand up and speak out against this cynical racist play.

You know I'm already in council chambers to watch the fun and do battle with the faith based haters, and will talk about it later.

And if you want to watch the proceedings, Moni's going to make it easy for you to do and just click on this link.