Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Where Will You Be On The 28th?

City Council'A man who will not labor to gain his right is a man who would not, if he had them, prize and defend them' --Frederick Douglass

That quote came to mind during a conversation I was having with Meghan Stabler yesterday about this HERO fight.in which we talked about the optics and the importance of this fight, especially for the trans community. 

Meghan used to live inside Loop 610 before moving to North Texas, and while here she served as the President of the Pride Houston board.   She lamented during our conversation updating her about the HERO political situation that Pride Houston draws over 250,000 people to party and grab the trinkets  She wondered aloud how many of those people who will be attending Pride Events next month are involved in this fight for their H-town human rights, much less will show up at 901 Bagby Street.

I asked the same question about the peeps who attended the just concluded Houston Splash.   How many of them are involved, signed up to speak and ready to prize and fight for their human rights?

This is the human rights fight of our 21st century time.   This is the moment we've waited 30 years for in terms of taking Houston off that short list of cities that don't protect the human rights of their TBLG citizens.  

We are on the correct and moral side of the arc of the human rights universe and it's bending toward justice for us.  So what's stopping you from joining the fight to pass the HERO?   

For my trans brothers and sisters, it's even more important we show up and show out.  We Houston trans people have a long and proud history of struggle against oppression.   Whether it was Toni Mayes filing a successful lawsuit against HPD in 1975 to get them to stop harassing her,  Judge Phyllis Frye who helped kill the anti-crossdressing ordinance in 1980 among her many accomplishments as the Godmother of the Trans Rights Movement, the late Dee McKellar, Sarah DePalma, myself and Vanessa Edwards Foster being part of the team that founded NTAC,  we've been fighters not only for our own human rights but the human rights of the communities we intersect and interact with.  

And we have another generation stepping up to lead and build on our work.. 

So where will you be on the 28th?   I know where I'll be and I'd like you to be, but if you can't make it to City Hall, make those phone calls to city council members.   If you happen to hear people badmouthing the HERO as you're out and about in your daily Houston lives, correct the disinformation as I did on my bus ride yesterday by pointing out the HERO would expand their human rights.

And if you're not ready to tell your story in front of city council or one on one, you can at least wear red on that day to silently support it.