Thursday, May 08, 2014

What's The T In LGBT? Event Tonight

The Montrose CenterFor those of you in H-town looking for something to do that isn't Houston Splash party related, you may wish to head over to the Montrose Center tonight for the 'What's The 'T' In LGBT? event being hosted by Dee Dee Watters.

It will be an opportunity for those wishing to get more perspective and knowledge about the 'T' end of the TBLG community to do so at this event. 

The panelists for 'What's The 'T' In LGBT?' will be Roxanne Collins, Dylan Wilde Forbis, Makai Bowie, and the hostess Dee Dee Watters.   It will be an opportunity to ask questions and get them answered from parents, children, friends and family of trans people in our area, gain knowledge and have a great time interacting with us.

The topics slated to be discussed in this forum will be Gender Inclusion, Gender Identity, Sexual Preference and will be opened up to the audience for the question and answer period. 

The forum will be held from 7-9 PM CDT
in Room 112 on the second floor of the the Montrose Center, which is located at 401 Branard St.   All are welcomed and encouraged to attend and we definitely won't mind if you bring a friend with you to this community building event.

Hope to see you tonight.